Sunday, 4 May 2014

Depletion of the Bozone Layer

Keyword- Bozone Layer is the substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating.

I went to a friends place to borrow one of her books. She told me that her cousin was visiting. So now the most basic rule of starting a conversation with a stranger was to talk about the weather and I did, I spoke about the increasing temperature and how I wished it could melt body fat. And for the first time she spoke "Totally,  I need an air conditioner wherever I go!" I immediately replied "Don't you think that it'll make things worse?" She looked at me indignantly and retorted"And how is that?." My friend, a very sensible lady said "Haven't you ever heard of global warming?" Her response was "Who cares about that?"

I couldn't help feeling disappointed. Honestly all we did during our Environmental Studies lectures in school was dozed off or built hideous figurines out of cardboard sheets. NO ONE payed attention to the sustained gibber of our equally nonchalant teachers about Sustainable Global warming, Ozone layer depletion, Water Harvesting yada yada. The truth is this subject should have a very practical approach, infact most of our subjects should. If Value Education and Environmental Studies could be studied through books then wouldn't we all be amiable and ecologically sound creatures.

Nature Trails would replace Reality Television, egalitarianism would replace feminism, negotiations would replace wars, and everything would be just picture perfect.  I just skimmed through my Contemporary Issues Text Book and couldn't disregard that conversation that I had with my friends cousin. While I was reading the chapters I concluded that we need to primarily treat the rising level of ignorance and then think about the CFC's, think of ways to prevent rational warming and then Global Warming and most importantly devise measures to deplete the Bozone Layer around us. 

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